Friday, December 12, 2008

Discovering some cool blogs

There are time when all of us stumble on a new blog or are forwarded some by friends...
here are some blogs I've found engaging and a enjoyable reads...

  1. Shades of Words - a funny warm blog on all things books, movies, music and travels...this is a very good friend's blog and it inspired to start one of my own...:)
  2. Waiter Rant - next time you enter a restaurant, you'll be able to better appreciate or rant about a waiter
  3. Domain Maximus - as far as i've read, its a general blog by an IIM alumni on the b-schools, MBA pros and general rants
  4. Silverine - yet to come across another hilarious blog that would beat's all real life stories with a touch of humor
  5. A Work in Progress - Dani Torres artsy, booksy blog is quite a delightful read..especially on those lazy afternoons
  6. Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover - Another delightful blog on books and opera

well these are some I could think of posting at the moment...will post more if I find any.


Sidin said...

Hey! Thanks a ton!

Vipula said...

Hey thanks for adding my website to the list